24-031 Originality

“the ability to think independently and creatively”

Until now I didn’t realize that this is something I’ve strived for all my life…sometimes to my own detriment…because my ego would/does get in my way. Sometimes I go out of my way to go against the grain…to not be like everyone else.

That being said, when it comes to my mandala art, right from the beginning I just knew they had to be different, original. I’m always seeking to be more creative with my art.

When I was first started creating my own mandala designs I worried that I would run out of ideas. Then I had a dream where I watched a super-fast slide show of thousands and thousands of mandalas, in all shapes and sizes, patterns and colors. In the dream I called out “wait, slow down I want to take notes”. Upon waking, the dream’s message told me to let go of the worry…there are an infinitesimal number of mandalas out there waiting to be brought into form. In others words, “you’ll never run out of ideas”.

Once I got that message, it freed me to be as creative and as original as I wanted…to feel free to explore and play with them…keep trying new things. It has become my quest.

How about you? Is originality a core value for you?

btw…here’s what it looked like before:


The Mandala Lady

inspiring and encouraging creativity, curiosity, and play through the art of mandalas

About the 2024 Mandalas of the Day

Each day I will create and post a mandala inspired by one of 366 “value” words chosen randomly. The objective being to discover for myself which ones would best represent my core values…and by doing so, I hope it inspires you to determine your own.

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