24-037 Conviction

“a firmly held belief”

I felt uncomfortable at first when this word came up today and then as I processed through it, I realized that today’s MotD is all about having a strong belief in yourself. I’m a big fan of the TV series “Queer Eye”. In practically every episode a common affirmation they profess is to “believe in yourself”…”believe in what you do”…”believe in who you are”.

That’s the take-away for me today. I need to work on believing in myself and what I do. I’m participating in a vendor-styled event this weekend and part of me is nervous about it. It’s triggering my _LACK_ of belief in myself.

Today’s message is reminding me that if you’re going to do something, do it with conviction…do it from a place of believing (knowing) that I have value, that what I have to offer is of value. So instead of being tentative and unsure, I intend to stand in my power, from this place of believing in myself and my art.

How about you? Is conviction a core value for you?

btw…here’s what it looked like before:


The Mandala Lady

inspiring and encouraging creativity, curiosity, and play through the art of mandalas

About the 2024 Mandalas of the Day

Each day I will create and post a mandala inspired by one of 366 “value” words chosen randomly. The objective being to discover for myself which ones would best represent my core values…and by doing so, I hope it inspires you to determine your own.

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