24-168 Recognition

abstract background of turquoise, white and some yellow and a dab of maroon. on top in yellow ink is drawn a mandala with 10 angular petals, the center being drawn over a blob of turquoise color. Inside each petal, in light turquoise ink, is drawn a small circle with 8 lines going out to the edge of the petal. in between those 8 lines are gold metallic dots with another dot inside the small circle.


“showing admiration and respect for your or others’ achievements”

Similar to yesterday’s MotD, this one is focused on the self…self-recognition. Yes, it’s easier to give recognition to what others do but how do we do with recognizing our own achievements? We appreciate having others acknowledge what we’ve done, usually with humility; although sometimes we tend to down-play it so as not to seem egotistical or braggadocio in any way. How sad is that?

Yet, what about those times when we hit a major milestone or completed an important project (at least to us) and no one knows about it…what do you do then? Do we just go “oh well…on to the next thing”? Instead, we are being encouraged to celebrate it, acknowledge it to ourselves in some way.

Motivational speaker, Mel Robbins, suggests that we high-five ourselves in a mirror…and not just for the big stuff…but all of it…the small and the medium stuff as well. We can become our own cheerleaders. And yes, we can certainly share our achievements with others. Just know, that the most important recognition any of us can receive is self recognition…the rest is icing on the cake, or a cherry on top, or gravy (if you’re keto).

How about you? Is (self) recognition a core value for you?

BTW…here’s what it looked like to begin with …


The Mandala Lady

encouraging and inspiring curiosity, creativity, and play through the art of mandalas

About the 2024 Mandalas of the Day

Each day I will create and post a mandala inspired by one of 366 “value” words chosen randomly. The objective being to discover for myself which ones would best represent my core values…and by doing so, I hope it inspires you to determine your own.

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