46 – Beach Sand Mandala

Beach Sand Mandala by Andres Amador
Beach Sand Mandala by Andres Amador

I love this amazing piece of temporary mandala art by Andres Amador. To have that much dedication to your art that you would spend hours creating something so beautiful only to have it be literally washed away by the tides is awesomely inspiring.

Andres’ art reminds us just how temporary we all are…and since we’re only here temporarily…let’s choose to make it a beautiful experience for us ALL!

You can view more of his completed art and art in action on his google+ photo album page

Later this year, I plan to create a mandala on the beach somewhere along the Oregon Coast. Anyone want to join me???

Happy Coloring!

If you would like your mandala to be considered for the “Mandala of the Day”, read how on the Participate page. It’s easy!

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