22-111 Ask

Today’s Mandala

“For true success
ask yourself these four questions:
Why not?
Why not me?
Why not now?”

— James Allen

“The first step
to receiving an answer
is being brave enough
to ask a question.”

— Kaitlyn Bouchillon

“If you don’t ask,
you don’t get.”

— Stevie Wonder

Today’s MotD asks us to ask. Ask a question. Ask for help. Ask for guidance. We can ask of other people. We can ask of ourselves. We can ask of the Universe (God, Divine, Source, Allah, Guides, Angels, etc). The process of asking can opens doors we have yet to imagine. Without asking, though, we’ll never know.

The key to asking is letting go of how the answer comes to us, without judgement, without attachment, and without taking it personally. Even if the answer is ”no”, it’s still a valid, insightful answer. We either need to ask differently, ask someone else, or maybe it’s time to change directions or perspectives with new opportunities for asking.

Keep in mind, most people (if they can) and the Divine (et al) find great joy in being helpful. So by asking what we want to ask, we are giving others the opportunity to help.

Ask again.
Ask Differently”

— Karen (from our possibilitarian women’s circle)


The Mandala Lady

btw…started with this…

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