22-309 Endurance

Today’s Mandala

is not just the ability
to bear a hard thing,
but to turn it into glory.”

— William Barclay

is one of the most difficult disciplines,
but it is to the one who endures
that the final victory comes.”

— Buddha

“Endure the present,
and watch for better things.”

— Virgil

Today’s MotD encourages us to embrace one of the key meanings of the Zinnia flower: endurance…especially if we’re struggling with making something happen for ourselves. Maybe we’ve been at it for a few years, with a lot of ups and downs, wondering if it’s worth it. If after thoughtful consideration we realize that what we’re after is truly what we want, then, yes, it is worthy it. All we’re being asked to consider is getting up one more time, hanging in there, and keeping our eye on the prize (goal, dream, etc).

From FlowerMeaning.com:

The zinnia is one tough flower so the symbolism has evolved to mean endurance in all of it’s many forms.  This includes spontaneous endurance: from youth to old age the zinnia endures and continues to bloom. It is also believed to mean joyous endurance, happy to bloom in the broiling heat of summer. The zinnia also endures through any trials and tribulations (unforgiving heat, drought, bugs) and continues to put forth beautiful flowers in many shades of red, orange, apricot, yellow, white, lilac and even lime green.

Our challenge becomes believing in ourselves enough (and whatever we’re wanting to create) to go the long haul, to accept the ups and downs as part of the journey, and to pull from whatever resources available to us (externally, internally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, etc.) to make it so.

“Slow and steady
wins the race.”

— Robert Lloyd


The Mandala Lady

btw…started with this and a “shimmer” view:

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