22-007 Glory

Today’s Mandala
Bask in the Glory
That is You

What is more glorious than a soul
when it liberates itself?” – Andre Gide

All glory comes from daring to begin.” – Eugene F. Ware

Our greatest glory is not in never falling,
but in rising every time we fall.– Confucius

“Bask in the glory that is You” versus in the you of someone else’s expectations of you. It’s a real challenge during our early years because we are shaped, defined, and molded by the environment and circumstances we are raised and lack the conscious awareness (as yet) to know whether this supports us or hinders us.

Jump to present day. Regardless of everything that has happened to us up until now, we are, and have always been, and will continue to be, amazingly whole and complete beings experiencing life in these bodies on this planet.

Today’s mandala encourages us to go past all of our defining layers to seek our true essence, our glorious selves. Then from this space, move forward towards our dream(s) and in our day-to-day lives.

It’s a tall order; it’s also a process. Thankfully we have a lifetime (and more) to work on it.

BTW..this is how it looked before I started today…


The Mandala Lady

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