22-050 Prosper

Today’s Mandala

Like any good tree
that one would hope to grow,
we must set our roots
deep into the ground
so that what is real
will prosper in the Light of Love.
— Billy Corgan

“Any person who contributes to prosperity
must prosper in turn.”
— Earl Nightingale

In our quest for peace,
we should constanly ask ourselves
what we should do
to create conditions
in which peace can prosper.
— F. W. de Klerk

Today’s MotD reminds us that we are all meant to prosper. Some of us in big ways, some in small ways. And as we prosper we are encouraged to find ways to help others to prosper.

By prosper we mean to thrive, to grow, to succeed. It can mean financially however it can also mean so much more: in our personal life, with our health, with our well-being, in our relationships, in our vocations, even in our avocations.

The challenge becomes to define for ourselves what it means to prosper vs living up to someone else’s standards or definition. For some to prosper would be to open their own food truck, for others it’s being able to run (win?) marathons, or living in a cottage with a library full of books to read, and yet for others it could mean having their play produced at their local community theater.

What does it mean for _you_ to prosper? (it’s okay if this changes multiple times over the course of a lifetime)

“Live Long and Prosper”

— Spock


The Mandala Lady

btw…started with this…

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