22-063 Harmony

Today’s Mandala

“Happiness is when what you think,
what you say, and what you do
are in harmony.”

— Mahatma Gandhi

“[They] who [live] in harmony
with [themselves live] in harmony
with the universe.

— Marcus Aurelius

“No person, no place, and no thing
has any power over us,
for ‘we’ are the only thinkers in our mind.
When we create peace and harmony
and balance in our minds,
we will find it in our lives.”

— Louise L. Hay

Today’s MotD invites us to embrace harmony within our lives. The conundrum of our existence is that we think that what’s going on outside of us causes the disharmony we feel inside. Quite the contrary.

When we see something and decid to be fearful of it, it clouds our judgement, it limits our perspective, and we have a greater chance of becoming helpless or hopeless to resolve it. We end up seeing and experiencing everything through this lens of fear.

When we can bring ourselves to a place of harmony, thinking clearly becomes easier and more possibilities and options open up for us. More can be accomplished from this place of harmony than fear. We’re more open and can allow our intuition to better guide us to solutions that would have failed to materialize had we been deeply entrenched in fear and other such low vibrational frequencies.

The more we’re in harmony within ourselves, the more harmony we experience around us, and the more in harmony we are with others.

Meghan Telpner offers this 30 second approach to inner harmony

”May Peace Prevail on Earth”


The Mandala Lady

btw…started with this… (this image is a little pinker than the actual painting)

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