22-086 Persistence

Today’s Mandala

“Patience, persistence and perspiration
make an unbeatable
combination for success.”

— Napoleon Hill

“Success is not the absence of failure;
it’s the persistence through failure.”

— Aisha Tyler

“You may encounter many defeats,
but you must not be defeated.
In fact, it may be necessary
to encounter the defeats,
so you can know who you are,
what you can rise from,
how you can still come out of it.”

— Maya Angelou

Today’s MotD encourages us to ”keep on, keeping on” when it comes to what we want to create for ourselves. Yes, we may hit roadblocks. Yes, we may be pulled in different directions. Yes, we may be full of doubt and fear.

Through the muck and mire, through the highs and lows, the lefts and rights, that’s when we remind ourselves of the what and why of we want. If it becomes too much, step back to re-evaluate. Maybe it’s time to change directions. Maybe it’s time to take a break. Or maybe we cut ourselves some slack and realize it just needs a bit more time and effort, knowing the effort is worth it. After all, persistence is just passion over time.

Nevertheless, they persisted.


The Mandala Lady

btw…started with this…

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