22-169 Interconnectedness

Today’s Mandala

“Spirituality is recognizing
and celebrating that we are all
inextricably connected to each other
by a power greater than all of us,
and that our connection
to that power and to one another
is grounded in love and compassion.
Practicing spirituality
brings a sense of perspective,
meaning, and purpose to our lives.”

Brené Brown

“There is a deep interconnectedness
of all life on earth,
from the tiniest organisms,
to the largest ecosystems,
and absolutely between each person.”

— Bryant McGill

“Humankind has not woven
the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web,
we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect.”

— Chief Seattle

Today’s MotD reminds us that we are all interconnected to each other as well as to all life on this planet and beyond. We are all sitting on top of a giant rock orbiting in a solar system that orbits with other systems within our galaxy that hangs out with billions of other galaxies with there orbiting systems, stars, and planets. All part of one big universe. Of late, we’re even going beyond that to multiverses.

All that being said, we’re being encouraged to notice our interconnectedness and to be aware of how what we do or don’t do can affect others, positively or negatively, directly or indirectly. A fascinating example is how if we interact with someone in a negative way, that energy creates a ripple effect with them passing along that negativity to others…until someone stops the momentum. The same holds true for positive energy. It affects us all.

Comedian Sarah Silverman posted this video on Instagram from her recent podcast about just such an experience. She calls it an energy science experiment. It’s a beautiful story.


The Mandala Lady

btw…started with this:

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