22-168 Confidence

Today’s Mandala

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear.
Action breeds confidence and courage.
If you want to conquer fear,
do not sit home and think about it.
Go out and get busy.”

— Dale Carnegie

“Believe in yourself!
Have faith in your abilities!
Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers
you cannot be successful or happy.”

— Norman Vincent Peale

“You gain strength, courage,
and confidence by every experience
in which you really stop
to look fear in the face.
You are able to say to yourself,
‘I lived through this horror.
I can take the next thing
that comes along.’”

— Eleanor Roosevelt

Today’s MotD reminds us that confidence comes from within. The more we push our boundaries, stretch our comfort zone, the more confidence we gain in doing such, more and more…like a baby learning to walk. Yes, there may be missteps along the way and thankfully they can make us stronger if we’re willing to gain new insight from them. Sometimes the missteps are just what we need to make a course correction which points us towards a more enlightened direction. Missteps are neutral. It’s what we do with them that makes all the difference in the world.

The image of a white peacock is the inspiration for today’s mandala. For added insight, here’s a write-up about the white peacock symbolism:

“The soul self reveals itself, having been on the spiritual path full of trials and tests which presents the biggest test of all, the test of faith. One cannot know the depth of their own faith until that faith has been tested. The White Peacock symbolizes the Divine self realized, purified and cleansed the illuminated soul self is seen, as if witnessing itself being born again the Divine self is resurrected from the fire of fear and the shadows of doubt. White Peacock is aligned to the higher consciousness, and the greatest most benevolent outcomes.”

Gerald Jenkins photography website regarding white peacocks


The Mandala Lady

btw…started with this:

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