22-189 Pearls

Today’s Mandala

“The world is your oyster.
It’s up to [us] to find the pearls”.

— Chris Gardner

“A Pearl is a beautiful thing that
is produced by an injured life.
It is the tear that results
from the injury of the oyster.
The treasure
of our being in this world
is also produced
by an injured life.
If we had not been wounded,
if we had not been injured,
then we will not produce
the pearl.”

— Stephan A. Hoeller

Take, like an oyster,
your irritations, your pain.
Use these to create your masterpiece.” 

— Jessica de la Davies

Today’s MotD encourages us to take our pains, take our irritations, and turn them into pearls. They become our pearls of wisdom if we’re willing to learn and grow from them. Like diving for pearls, especially the prized ones, we may need to dive deeper than we’ve ever done before.

One way to approach this would be for us to bring up impressionable, memorable experiences from our past. Then categorized them as either an oyster (painful) or a pearl (joyful). For each of the “oysters”, ask the question ”where’s the pearl in this oyster?” (ie ”what did I gain or create of value from this experience?”) We can then use whatever creative outlet that would best allow us to represent this oyster-to-pearl experience. To each of the ”pearls”, take a moment to express gratitude in whatever way feels appropriate.

“How could you reach the pearl
by only looking at the sea?
If you seek the pearl,
be a diver.”

— Rumi


The Mandala Lady

btw…started with this:

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