22-209 Direction

Today’s Mandala

“You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
in any direction you choose.
You’re on your own,
and you know what you know.
And you are the [one]
who’ll decide where to go.”

— Dr. Seuss

“My plan is to have no plan.
If you know what plan you have,
life has its own ideas and will take you
in any direction it pleases.
So my idea about life
is to just be open to it
and to go with the flow
and go with my gut.”

— Toni Collette

“One of the great cosmic laws, I think,
is that whatever we hold in our thought
will come true in our experience.
When we hold something, anything,
in our thought, then somehow
coincidence leads us in the direction
that we’ve been wishing
to lead ourselves.”

— Richard Bach

Today’s MotD gently reminds us that there are 360° in a circle. Often when we’re headed in a certain direction we usually overlook the other 359°; this seems to be especially true when we’re struggling to make something happen. We forget that we can change directions at any given time; that even the slightest degree change can make all the difference in the world.

We are encouraged to step back once in a while to see if the direction we’re heading is still serving us or if it’s just out of habit. Sometimes we need to expand our view, widen our perspective to get a better handle on what we’re wanting to create for ourselves and how best to get there.


The Mandala Lady

btw…started with this:

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