22-223 Flight

Today’s Mandala

“Every journey
is played out between
standstill and flight.”

— Claudio Magris

“Indulge your imagination
in every possible flight.”

— Jane Austen

“Lean forward into your life…
catch the best bits and the finest wind.
Just tip your feathers in flight
a wee bit and see how dramatically
that small lean can change your life.”

— Mary Anne Radmacher

Today’s MotD encourages us to take flight with making our dream(s) a reality. As motivation, we are reminded that the world is waiting for what each of us has to offer. Take heart and know that the Universe supports us and is rooting for us. And in case it seems like nothing is happening, know that sometimes things are in the works in the background beyond our 3D reality. It may just be a matter of Divine Timing or “things” needing to be in place first.

Even if our “flight” plans are delayed, we can always find things to do to keep the dream alive; either on the “runway” (in prep for flight) or in the “hangar” (maintenance, research, testing, classes, etc.).

We are also reminded that we are meant to more than just fly, we are meant to soar! So put on your seatbelt, “make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position”, and let’s go!


The Mandala Lady

btw…started with this:

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