22-247 Wholeness

Today’s Mandala

“To drop into being means
to recognize your interconnectedness
with all life, and with being itself.
Your very nature is being part of
larger and larger
spheres of wholeness.”

— Jon Kabat-Zinn

“You are all things.
Denying, rejecting, judging
or hiding from any aspect
of your total being
creates pain and results in
a lack of wholeness.”

— Joy Page

“Wholeness is not achieved
by cutting off a portion of one’s being,
but by integration of the contraries.”

— Carl Jung

Today’s MotD invites us to seek wholeness as our ultimate goal, which means to be one with all aspects of ourselves. From TinyBuddha.com: “Wholeness truly means accepting ‘the whole enchilada.’ The hard, the sad, the mad, the scared, and the glad are all parts of you. The gratitude and the resentment together make you whole.”

They also offer five practices to help us make that wholeness connection (visit their site for a more in-depth wholeness discussion and a description of each of these):

  1. Spend quality time with yourself.
  2. Each day, check to make sure your self-esteem is balanced by your self-criticism (Learning to love yourself).
  3. Find a practice that centers you. (coloring mandalas can be a wonderful centering practice)
  4. Take an inventory of where you are right now. (body, mind, spirit, emotional, and social)
  5. Develop a daily gratitude practice and begin by showing yourself appreciation.

Our challenge becomes embracing all of who we are, being at peace with it, and allowing ourselves the courage and freedom to build upon any or all parts of ourselves.

“Know that your true self
is already whole.
You don’t have to learn
or acquire spiritual value.
All spiritual value resides
at the core of the self.”

— Deepak Chopra


The Mandala Lady

btw…started with this & a shimmer view:

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