22-253 Heartbeat

Today’s Mandala

“The goal of life
is to make your heartbeat
match the beat of the universe,
to match your nature with Nature.”

— Joseph Campbell

“Rhythm is sound in motion.
It is related to the pulse,
the heartbeat,
the way we breathe.
It rises and falls.
It takes us into ourselves;
it takes us out of ourselves.”

— Edward Hirsch

“While the heartbeats,
hope lingers.”

— Alison Croggon

Today’s MotD inspires us to tune into our heartbeat. Whenever we can, place a hand over our heart and deep breathe as if breathing directly into our heart. When we sense the breath and the heartbeat in rhythm, continue breathing in this connected state for a minute or two; longer would be ideal.

By breathing into our heart, we center and ground ourselves; more importantly, we create a solid connection between our body, heart, and soul. Setting an intention before we “heart breathe”, will allow for any insight or guidance regarding our intention to make itself known.

“To listen to the silence
is to hear the heartbeat
of the Universe.”

— Laurence Overmire


The Mandala Lady

btw…started with this and a “shimmer” view:

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