22-265 Weave

Today’s Mandala

“In the tapestry of life,
we’re all connected.
Each one of us is a gift
to those around us
helping each other be who we are,
weaving a perfect picture together.”

— Anita Mooriani

“We cannot live only for ourselves.
A thousand fibers connect us …
and among those fibers,
as sympathetic threads,
our actions run as causes,
and they come back to us as effects.”

— Herman Melville

“Our weavings in the cosmic web
are not self-contained.
Rather, they are part of the design
of our collective humanity.”

— Lisa Hunt

Today’s MotD reminds us of our interconnectivity, some of it obvious, most of it subtly. It’s the subtle ones that we are challenged with focusing on here. Most of the time we’re oblivious of we effect others and others on us. For instance, walking into a room full of people with a smile on our face will affect them differently than if we were to enter with scowl. Just as we would be affected by how they entered the room.

The advantage to being aware of our connectedness in such scenarios allows us to consciously decide how we want to respond: do we want to build on it, stay neutral, or help change it.

We do not weave this web of life.
We are merely a strand of it.
Whatever we do to the web,
we do to ourselves.

— paraphrased version of
Chief Seattle’s original quote


The Mandala Lady

btw…started with this and a close up:

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