22-353 Star

Today’s Mandala

“It is not in the stars
to hold our destiny
but in ourselves.“

— William Shakespeare

“We have calcium in our bones,
iron in our veins,
carbon in our souls,
and nitrogen in our brains.
93% stardust,
with souls made of flames,
we are all just stars
that have peoples names.“

— Nikita Gill

“Each star is a mirror
reflecting the truth inside you.“

— Aberjhani

Today’s MotD reminds us that we are the stars of our own lives. We have the leading role and as such we also have the right to control how our lives play out. Our challenge becomes allowing ourselves to shine brightly like the stars that we are, day or night.

We are encouraged to increase our star power. From GirlsOnTheRun.org, they offer three ways to do that:

  1. Spend time with those who believe in and encourage you
  2. Use positive self-talk
  3. Do the things that always remind you that you’re uniquely talented (step into your brilliance and purpose)

While this article was intended for girls, they can just as easily apply to grown-ups (regardless of gender)…probably more so especially if we never experienced any of this growing up. They further add “we tell them (the girls) to visualize [their] star shining bright inside them…to associate that beautiful, bright and powerful light with their own uniqueness…that no one can take away their brightness or the individual things they bring to the world when they activate their Star Power.

We can do the same for ourselves…regardless of age or gender. Time to activate our Star Power!

“Look at the stars. See their beauty.
And in that beauty, see yourself.“

— Draya Mooney


The Mandala Lady

btw…started with this and a shimmer view:

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