22-354 Memories

Today’s Mandala

“We all have our time machines.
Some take us back,
they’re called memories.
Some take us forward,
they’re called dreams.”

— Jeremy Irons

“To be human
is to have a collection of memories
that tells you who you are
and how you got there.”

— Rosecrans Baldwin

“I’ve never tried
to block out the memories
of the past,
even though some are painful.
I don’t understand
people who hide from their past.
Everything you live through
helps to make you
the person you are now.”

— Sophia Loren

Today’s MotD encourages us to embrace our memories…all of them…the good, the bad, and the ugly. For it’s in our memories that we find the nuggets of experiences that made us who we are today. Remove any one of our memories (experiences), and we’d find ourselves in a different place as a different person. All of our memories have value and can provide great insight into what was going on then and how it brought us up to now. We can also help others who may be going through what we’ve already experienced.

Our challenge becomes paying attention to the experiences we are creating for ourselves now which will be the memories of our future. We may even consider doing meditation sessions with our future selves to receive whatever messages and insights they have for us now, to help us move in the direction we truly want to go.

In essence, it begs the question: what memories do we want to create now for our future selves to savor and enjoy later.


The Mandala Lady

btw…started with this and a shimmer view:

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