24-141 Bliss

abstract background of green, purple, light green, copper, and a smidge of magenta in the center. White circle drawn around magenta. around the outside of the circle are white and gold curly strands along with lots of gold and white dots.


“perfect or complete happiness, great joy”

I have to admit, the first thing that came to mind when I thought of today’s word was….that first spoonful of Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food ice cream. Anyone else think of food when you first saw the word “bliss”??? …just me??? Actually, almost any delicious food can be blissful to me.

Essentially, it’s anything that takes my breath away. Seeing Mt. Shasta in northern California does that to me…every time. Seeing a full double rainbow. Being on the Oregon Coast, especially at the higher elevations…you just can’t beat those views. Well, maybe the Grand Canyon…but I’m only an hour away from the coast…I’m about 1,200 miles from the canyon.

Upon further review in my head, I realize that pretty much anything in nature, almost any season, is a blissful experience…but only if I’m fully present in that moment. That’s the key. If my head is someplace else, all bets are off.

As I write all this, I’m realizing that I haven’t mentioned any of the people or animals in my life. Am I a terrible person for that? But here too, I recognize that if I’m not fully present with the people I’m with, I miss out on the bliss of being with them. Well, this is an eye-opener for me. Message received.

Whether it’s food, nature, or people, in order to experience bliss with any of them, I/we need to be mindful, ie fully present with them. Because I know if I’m thinking about something, someone, or somewhere else, I’ll miss out on the bliss of now.

How about you? Is bliss a core value for you?

BTW…here’s what it looked like to begin with …


The Mandala Lady

*ToGAs: Team of Guides and Angels

inspiring and encouraging creativity, curiosity, and play through the art of mandalas

About the 2024 Mandalas of the Day

Each day I will create and post a mandala inspired by one of 366 “value” words chosen randomly. The objective being to discover for myself which ones would best represent my core values…and by doing so, I hope it inspires you to determine your own.

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