22-205 Beacon

Today’s Mandala

“A great [person]
is a torch in the darkness,
a beacon in superstition’s night,
an inspiration and a prophecy.”

— Robert Green Ingersoll

“Be a guiding light,
a safe harbor,
a beacon of hope,
and a solid foundation
for those around you.”

— Jennifer Gayle

“Be aware that who you are
and what you have to offer
can be a beacon to some lost soul.”

— Iyanla Vanzant

Today’s MotD encourages us to let our light shine (our authentic self, our soul, our true self, etc) so that we can be a beacon of light for those who would benefit from what we have to offer. And for those times when we may be struggling, may we allow ourselves to notice the beacons of light that surround us, those who are able to help us shine our light.

Michel Spiegleman, of Beacons of Change, defines “a beacon as a person who shines her light, and, in turn, inspires, guides, and brings hope to others.” She offers some insights on ways we can be beacons and puts forth these three pillars to being a beacon:

  1. Keep your inner light shining bright
  2. Recharge your inner light by bringing light in 
  3. Share your light with others

Like Michel’s three pillars, today’s MotD reminds us that our fundamental purpose comes down to figuring out what we do best, what sparks our joy, and/or what lights us up and then to help others doing whatever _that_ is. It’s really that simple.

Look for the helpers.
You will always find people
who are helping.”

— Fred Rogers


The Mandala Lady

btw…started with this:

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