24-143 Understanding

intense abstract background of reds, greens, purples, light yellow, and whites, with angular jagged lines in lighter colors. On top in gold, is a gold circle around a nickel-sized red spot. from there are 8 gold dress-tie-shaped petals, in between them are 8 straight lines jutting out with a circle at each end. each circle has small gold rays coming out of them. the word “understanding” is written at a 90º angle in the top “tie”.


“the ability to know how other people are feeling”

One advantage to growing up in a chaotic household is that you learn (or better learn) how to read the room. I realize that’s not exactly what the definition is trying to say. Hear me out…because I learned how to “read the room”, it made also understand (to some degree) who was hurting, who was angry, who was happy, and so on. I also, as the oldest and only girl, got to practice figuring out how to fix the situation.

For instance if one of the ‘rents was cranky, I knew to either stay out of their line of view or else tread lightly around them. If they were in a great mood, then if we asked them for something, we had a fifty-fifty shot of them staying in a great mood or setting them off…so we had to be pretty sure it was worth the ask.

Because of that environment, as an adult I was better at understanding of how people were feeling. Although, there was a time between my 20s and early 30s where I went the route of a flaming co-dependent…where I totally disregarded/stuffed how I was feeling…almost the point of no return (if you get my drift).

Thankfully my first husband “forced” me to go to therapy…for something other than co-dependent reasons. That nightmare turned into a blessing where I learned how to get my life and my feelings back…which also meant letting go of that husband (too long of a story to get into here).

Sharing all of this with you, helps me also have a better understanding of where I come from, and how far I’ve come since then. For that, I’m grateful.

How about you? Is understanding a core value for you?

BTW…here’s what it looked like to begin with …


The Mandala Lady

*ToGAs: Team of Guides and Angels

inspiring and encouraging creativity, curiosity, and play through the art of mandalas

About the 2024 Mandalas of the Day

Each day I will create and post a mandala inspired by one of 366 “value” words chosen randomly. The objective being to discover for myself which ones would best represent my core values…and by doing so, I hope it inspires you to determine your own.

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